Contained use of genetically modified animals

The provisions of the Decree (771/2014) of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health are applied to the contained use of GM animals. The use of GM animals is classified into two classes of use (classes 1-2) on the basis of the risk assessment. The containment and protection measures followed must guarantee that no GM animal can spread into the environment and that no GM animal can breed with a wild member of the same species.

A centralised notification procedure is generally followed when the use of GM animals in laboratory animal centres is concerned (see the Decree 272/2006 of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health section 5). In such case, the notification of the contained use is submitted by the centre, and the researchers or research groups in the centre do not have to send their own notifications separately to the Board for Gene Technology. Instead, the researchers or research groups must enclose the risk assessment documents concerning the GM animal strains in their use to the GMO records of the laboratory animal centre.

Instructions on contained use of GM animals

The instructions on the contained use of GM animals are currently being renewed. If you need advice or if you are drawing up a notification concerning GM animals, please, contact the secretariat of the Board for Gene Technology. Risk assessment and classification of the use follow principles laid down in Decree 771/2014 of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

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