Public consultation regarding the use of GMOs
Provisions on the public consultation regarding both the contained use and field trials of GMOs are laid down in the Gene Technology Act. The public consultation regarding the placing on the market of genetically modified products is carried out by the EU Commission for all Member States.
Public consultation regarding the contained use
The Board for Gene Technology can decide that public consultation is necessary on certain matters pertaining to the proposed contained use. So far the Board has not processed notifications of or applications for contained use for which public consultation would have been considered necessary.
Public consultation regarding field trials
The Board for Gene Technology organizes a public consultation regarding each submitted application for a field trial. The information on a planned field trial is published in the Official Journal and on the website of the Board. The consultation lasts 60 days, and the public has the right to examine the application documents regarding the field trial, get a copy of the documents and state written opinions concerning the applications. The application documents are available on the website of the Board. Copy requests and written comments are addressed to the Board for Gene Technology.
Public consultation regarding products
Concerning the product applications pursuant to the Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 (GM feed and food) the Finnish Food Authority sees to it that the summaries of the applications drawn up by the applicant and the EFSA opinions are available to the public. The public can comment on the EFSA opinion to the Commission in their mother tongue within 30 days of its completion.
The Commission is responsible for the public consultations regarding product applications pursuant to the Directive 2001/16/EC (such as GM cut flowers).